Personal Growth Can Be Fun

November 30, 2020 0 COMMENT 2138 Views

Personal growth is a process that lasts for an eternity. We are in a constant state of evolution. Sometimes this can seem very frustrating, because the process doesn’t go as fast as we feel it should in order to accomplish all that we desire. However, the personal growth process goes at whatever speed is necessary for us to make the important changes within ourselves. Although it may not always feel this way, we are continually blessed with an unlimited supply of assistance. Thousands of people all over the world have dedicated themselves to the understanding of the personal growth process so they can help others find their own path within the process. They offer tools we can use to help find out who we are, what we want to do during this life experience and how we want to do it.
Personal growth can be fun & exciting
Personal growth isn’t easy. It requires stepping out of our rigid, narrow perspectives of ourselves and the world around us in order to accept a wider, more encompassing view. It means admitting that we have weaknesses and that parts of ourselves aren’t quite where we would like them to be. And most of all, it takes a committment to action.
Books, classes and audio programs that assist us in finding our own way through the personal growth process are extremely important. But, if all we do, is embrace the knowledge intellectually without actually applying what we learn, they will have little or no positive affect. It’s the application that’s the key and also the hardest part of the process.
However, even the first step in the right direction can produce enough of a change in our outlook and feelings that it reinforces the effort enough to keep us going forward. Once the momentum starts, our progress becomes a valuable motivator and soon we find ourselves in a much better place.
It doesn’t mean we have all hassle free days, that things always work out. But rather, we are better equipped to handle what we experience. Our attitudes are more positive, our thinking is more focused on what we want and our emotions are more balanced. As a result we are happier, more prosperous and more open to new and different experiences. And that is when is the personal growth process becomes fun and exciting – when we can actually see the results of our efforts.
Personal Growth & Meditation
Meditation is an intregal part of the self improvement process. We can’t improve ourselves when we continue to fill our minds with the same constant mind chatter that has created the problems in our lives. Meditation slows the chatter down and eventually stops it long enough for us to listen to the messages we’re being given. It opens the intuitive window that lets in the real stuff about ourselves and the world that we need to know and embrace.
Technology has made meditation a much easier state to experience. In most cases using programs like Holosync® you can experience positive results immediately, because the technology produces the brain wave states that are such a vital part of the meditative process. So, all we need to do is put on the headphones, relax and enjoy the ride.
If we embrace the personal growth process with an eager mind and an open heart, we will be rewarded beyond our greatest expectations. Feeling good about ourselves and our relationship to the universe we live in is what an abundant, joyful life is all about.


Shane Doe

Hello, my name is Polly! Travel is a daily updated blog about travel, Adventure Travel, Air Travel, Places, Vacation and everyday moments from all over the world.

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