Importance Of Training On A CRM Solution

December 3, 2020 0 COMMENT 2188 Views

Imagine buying a car before you have had driving lessons of any kind, and then sitting behind the wheel trying to figure out how to get you and the car back home. You would likely fail. Not only that, but you would most likely have an accident by either running into another car, or into a wall or something. That’s not how to learn to drive.

It’s the same with learning any system. You need proper training before you are let loose on costly equipment, delicate machinery, or sensitive software programs. It’s no different when it comes to customer relationship management (CRM) applications, such as GoldMine® software or ACT!® software. It’s not enough either to spend a few minutes with someone who struggled through and now knows most of what’s needed–you need training that is tailored to your company’s requirements.

This might mean that you will not be trained in certain aspects of the CRM system. This could be because your company has no requirement for that module, and supplying training that is not needed is clearly a waste of everyone’s time.

Proper implementation of any CRM solution must commence with proper planning. It is likely that a number of questions pertinent to the internal business of the company will need to be answered before the CRM strategy can be fully defined. These questions may concern why the company’s products sell and what kind of person buys them, why the company differs from its competitors, and how effective the company’s current marketing efforts are.

The next step to securing proper contact management software training should be to find a good CRM consulting company. They should be expected to commence with a careful analysis of your company’s needs. They should also be expected to discover as much as possible about the processes involved in your company’s sales and marketing activities.

Any good CRM consulting company should also do the obvious–ask the company what exactly they intend to achieve through training. Armed with this vital information they should then be able to design and deliver a custom-made training program tailored precisely to your company’s needs.

It is extremely important at this stage to ensure that the database software, whether for the GoldMine® software or the ACT!® software, is fully ready for use with all customizations and customer data in place. This allows for the added benefit of having staff train on a real-time database in a real-time environment.

Staff involved in GoldMine® training or ACT!® training, or indeed any other contact management training, including the various web based CRM applications, will undergo a similar routine. Training for half a day is usually better than a whole day. This is because intensive and attention-demanding training becomes difficult to sustain after three or four hours with attention time-spans waning as a result. Keep the training short and crisp without laboring the obvious. More valuable information will be retained this way.

Any experienced consulting company conducting the training will know to carefully observe all personnel while they are being trained, and thereby be able to give you their professional advice as to whether or not further training is necessary.


Shane Doe

Hello, my name is Polly! Travel is a daily updated blog about travel, Adventure Travel, Air Travel, Places, Vacation and everyday moments from all over the world.

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